Spider Mites

How To Kill Spider Mites

Damage | Life Cycle | Control | Products

Actionable Information

Want to know how to kill Spider Mites on your plants?  You’re in the right place.

We know the challenges growers face every day, because we’re growers too.  You need a product that works every time and support that will help you regain control of your garden so you can spend your time on more important tasks!

Below we will cover how to identify and get rid of spider mites FAST with Instant Mite Killer!

Spider Mite Damage

Spider Mite Damage

Spider mites are the worst!  Every grower will eventually have a showdown with these relentless pests.  They can be devastating to a crop and seem like a never-ending uphill battle.

Spider Mite Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Spider mites reproduce quickly and abundantly. They will start laying eggs within a week and are able to produce up to 20 eggs a day. Because spider mites are able to duplicate so quickly, it does not take long until the whole plant is covered with millions of spider mites. They will migrate from plant to plant from wind or air from your fans and are able to infest an entire garden.

Spider Mite Control

How to Control


Prune leaves, stems and other infested parts of plants well past any webbing and discard in trash (and not in compost piles). Don’t be hesitant to pull entire plants to prevent the mites spreading to its neighbors.

Tip: Management strategies must take into account the fast development time of this pest, especially during warm weather when eggs are laid continuously. Just targeting the adults will do little good if eggs and larvae survive. Repeat treatments are almost always necessary. The use of leaf shines and washes helps control and prevent further infestations.

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